The White House says people have bought Obamacare. We haven’t met them quite yet.

By Sarah Kliff, Published: October 3

unicornIf you have purchased health coverage on the federal government’s new Obamacare marketplace, about a dozen or so reporters would like to speak with you. We promise we won’t take up too much of your time!

We just need to find you first.

The federal government has said that somewhere out in this vast country of 313 million people, where 48 million lack insurance coverage, someone has managed to sign up for health insurance on the federally-run marketplaces. As of yet, we haven’t tracked this person – or these people – down.

This is not for lack of effort. Reporters here at The Washington Post and at other publications have been on the hunt for this mythical creature.

The only one I heard about was a law student who discovered he was eligible for Medicaid so he signed up for that for free…since Obamacare isn’t a freebie. It’s a covert ObamaTax. Only his mobile phones were free, at least for the months of his reelection, after that they’d have to pay the monthly dues.


GOP Congressman: No Kansans signed up for Obamacare on first day

By Caroline  May 5:24 PM

Rep. Tim Huelskamp says that none of his fellow Kansans have been able to  enroll in Obamacare due to widespread glitches and technical malfunctions.

“My office recently spoke with one of the insurers  in Kansas who told us that not one, not one, of the 365,000 uninsured Kansans  successfully signed up for insurance on the Obamacare exchanges the first day,” Huelskamp, who himself tried and failed to enroll in the program on  Tuesday, said on the House floor.

Huelskamp described his struggles with the online system, and said he had  still been on “hold” with the system for 60 hours.

Read more:

TN comes up with a big fat Zero:


So, was Obama lying? Nah, he’d never do that…

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