Christians in Syria


Syrian Christians make up 10% of Syria’s population. Since Syria is a secular state, Christians, as a minority were able to live their lives freely without being ridiculed by the overwhelming Muslim population. Christians were able to go to Church, wear whatever they like and live their lives according to their standards and not by the governments. In fact, Christians and Muslims got along perfectly well in Syria before the fake revolution occurred. Unfortunately the world is unaware that these so called “freedom fighters” are the ones committing a massive genocide in Syria.

Aleppo, which has the largest Armenian population, has been hit hard with countless terrorist attacks. Churches have been destroyed, Christians kidnapped, beheaded, raped and tortured. Damascus has a reasonable about of Christians, but Homs is home to the second largest Christian population in Syria, and unfortunately Homs is the first city where the fake revolution occurred. In fact, Opposition supporters consider Homs to be the heart of the revolution. Yet they are oblivious to the fact that their revolution for freedom has turned into a massive persecution of religious minorities. Ancient churches in Saidnaya have been attacked and bombarded by these heartless terrorists. Qameshli and Al Hasakah are also two Christian cities that have a large population of Assyrians and Armenians. Unfortunately, Kurdish rebels who want to take complete control of Qameshli have started violent attacks of their own on Christians in that city. Kurdish rebels kidnap Christians and kill them. Kidnappings don’t only occur during the night, they occur during the day as well which instills fear onto the Christian population. As a matter of fact, the Muslim extremists (FSA, Al Nusra, and Al Qaeda) that have entered Syria to destroy the country also seek to destroy the Christian population. They no longer want Christians in Syria. Christians today make up less than 10% of Syria’s population. The exact death toll of Christians martyrs is not exact, but over 3000 have been killed which is a tremendous amount for a small minority. Not to mention the fact those over 250,000 have fled out of Syria to other countries.

Why are Christians the target? The rebels, aka terrorists want to impose Sharia law in Syria. Since Syria is Secular, Sharia law is not allowed due to the fact that it will infringe on the minorities sovereignty and freedom to express their religion. Secondly, Christians in Syria support Bashar Al-Assad. Not all, but over 95% of them do since President Bashar al-Assad protects them. This is why Christians in Aleppo (not soldiers, regular civilians) have joined combat with the army to fight against the rebels. Earlier this year two Christian bishops were kidnapped by Chechen jihadists fighting for the FSA (freedom Syrian army aka terrorists) which angered Christian communities all around the world. Christians will always remain loyal to Bashar al-Assad because he is the only one who can protect every minority religion, since his religion sect is a minority as well. He is not killing his own civilians, he is protecting them. The gulf nations along with the west are the reason behind this proxy war that was formulated to take over Syria. Essentially, President Obama is spreading the same lies about Syria, the same way George W. Bush did about Iraq. Therefore, the large Christian massacres in Syria have been ignored by President Obama even though he is aware of what’s going on.

Must watch: Obama’s Freedom Fighters Propaganda!

More of Obama Freedom Fighters Propaganda…used by the media as real

Recently, a large massacre was held by the FSA in a Christian village of al-Duwayr which is a village close to Homs. Women, Children, and Men were the targets of this heinous atrocity, yet the massacre received little to no attention by western media. Approximately 350 terrorists had entered the village and broke into homes, and executed countless Christians. By the time the Syrian Army came to fight off the terrorists, the village was left in bloodshed. The death toll of the martyrs is left unknown, but the death toll is relatively high. According to the army men, Turkish and Chechen soldiers had carried out his atrocity on the Christian village. Despite the fact that President Bashar al-Assad is winning the war that was created by the West, the west and the gulf have not seized to stop arming the rebels, in fact President Obama stated that he will be fully supporting and arming the rebels. Which would only lead to more causalities lost and an expansion of the war. The only freedom Christians have in Syria now is the freedom to pray for a better future, and a better Syria. Syria does not need Sharia law, Syria is and will remain to be Secular. It is evident that the Christian population in Syria will never be the same, but at least they would not live their lives in fear as they do now.


Christian Church destroyed by rebels.

Ma'aloula, Syrian Christian Village

Bashar Al-Assad visiting a Christian village, Ma’aloula, before the fake Revolution


Syrian Church burned by the free “Syrian” army :September 14,2012


Obama supported rebels, destroyed a church and ruining a portrait of the virgin Mary.

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