Ranna Kabbani’ Nasty Tweet about Alawite Assad’ Family

It’s people like this writer for the Guardian who stokes the fires…



Rana Kabbani is a Syrian writer and broadcaster who lives in London – http://www.theguardian.com/profile/rana-kabbani


She disgusts me! There are minorities being ethnically cleansed from their homes, their houses of worship burned and desecreted, and untold numbers raped, tortured, and murdered yet she continues to support the foreign “rebels” who are funded by the west and ngo’s such as Soros groups etc. She hates Alawite Assad so much she couldn’t care less what’s happening to these minorites.  I didn’t figure the Guardian would employ someone like her…


Rebel Terrorist attack on Syrian Alawite village kills 40

BEIRUT (AP) — Extremist Islamic rebels who overran a village in central Syria populated by the Alawite minority have killed at least 40 people, activists said Monday.

The report on the attack on the village of Maan in the central Hama province came as the Syrian Red Crescent was trying to get a cease-fire in the besieged city of Homs extended so it could deliver more aid and evacuate more people from the area.

Half of the victims in the attack, which occurred on Sunday, were civilians, including women, while the other half were village fighters defending their homes, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Syrian state media described the attack as a “massacre” perpetrated by terrorists, a term the government uses for rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad.

Islamic extremists, including foreign fighters and Syrian rebels who have taken up hard-line al-Qaida-style ideologies , have played an increasingly prominent role among the rebel fighters fighting forces loyal to Assad, who is a member of the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

The raid on Maan is likely to bolster efforts by the government delegation to convey their narrative at the Geneva peace talks that the three-year uprising to overthrow Assad is dominated by al-Qaida extremists. The extremists see Alawites as apostates who should be killed.

Rami Abdurrahman, who runs the Observatory, said Islamic fighters overran Maan after Alawite villagers lobbed mortar shells on the rebels using nearby roads. There have also been heavy clashes for weeks between hard-line rebels and Assad loyalists in the nearby community of Morek, Abdurrahman said.

Men sitting on a bus pose for a photograph as they …

Men sitting on a bus pose for a photograph as they evacuate the battleground city of Homs, Syria, Fr …

Jund al-Aqsa Brigade, however, did not claim the killings and no other extremist group in Syria did.

A video uploaded by the rebels of the Jund al-Aqsa Brigade, which said it overran the village, showed them waving a black jihadi flag over the village rooftops as bearded, grinning men looted homes. The video corresponded with The Associated Press’ reporting of the event.

Published on Feb  9, 2014 – “On Sunday February 9, 2014, Wahhabi terrorists belonging to the Iman (Faith) Brigade of “Ahrar al-Sham” (Free [Men] of the Levant) and Front of the Revolutionaries of Syria invaded the mainly Alawite town of Maan in the Hama countryside. This video is a compilation of several videos showing the invasion. There have been unverified reports published about horrifying massacres taking place that targeted entire Alawite families, based purely on sectarian affiliation. As one “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) militant from the Revolutionaries of Syria Front says at the end of the video that this scenario of so-called “liberation” of Alawite towns will be repeated in every such town in Syria. In Geneva, Syrian government and opposition delegates started a fresh round of U.N.-brokered peace talks on Monday. The first face-to-face meetings adjourned 10 days ago having achieved little beyond getting the warring sides into the same room. Prospects for common ground appear unlikely as the two sides continue to disagree on the core issue of Assad’s future. Fighting has escalated since the first round, with violence disrupting food distribution meant to ease the plight of civilians in Homs and near Damascus.”

Khaled Erksoussi, the head of operations for the SRC, said Monday that there were about 200 families, mostly Christian, who wanted to leave two rebel-held districts of the city, which have been sealed off by Assad’s forces for more than a year.

Erksoussi told The Associated Press Monday that 690 people — mostly women, children and elderly men — have been evacuated from the rebel-held districts of Homs since Friday, when a U.N.-brokered truce went into effect. Aid workers also delivered food parcels, medicines and flour despite heavy shelling that targeted the aid convoys.

“We managed to get some food and aid in during this pause, but not the quantity we had hoped for,” Erksoussi said Monday over the phone from Damascus.

Some Syrian people on two buses followed by the Syrian …

Some Syrian people on two buses followed by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent’s vehicles evacuate Syr …

He said the U.N. is talking to the government and the rebels about extending the cease-fire.

Over the past year, the government regained control over most of the city, except for neighborhoods in the historic center. Forces loyal to Assad have blockaded those parts for over a year, causing widespread hunger and suffering.

Last week’s cease-fire was arranged by the U.N. mediator, Lakhdar Brahimi, who during the Geneva talks last month urged Syria’s warring sides to help about 2,500 civilians trapped in the ancient, rebel-held quarters known as Old Homs.

Syria’s uprising began with largely peace protests against Assad’s government in March 2011 but later descended into an armed uprising and a full-blown civil war with sectarian overtones. More than 130,000 people have been killed, activists say.



Chilling video out of Syria shows a woman being strangled to death by jihadist rebels, another shocking reminder that the west is on the same side as bloodthirsty extremists, while a separate rebel group that the CFR urged the United States to become allies with has slaughtered an entire village.

The incident, which happened in Manbij, Aleppo, shows a militant strangling a defenseless woman with some kind of tool as she slowly chokes to death.

14-year-old boy publicly executed by Islamists for ‘blasphemy’ in Syria – Truthloader

Al-Quabon -18-07-2013 civilians and animals were killed by fsa and al-nusra

Compilation of Crimes Courtesy of FSA and Jabhat Al-Nusra in Syria .Attention +18

The supposed “crime” committed by the woman to deserve this summary execution is not known, but previous videos have shown rebels dishing out torture for minor infractions as well as mass executions targeting anyone who resists their occupation.

In 2008, Assad and his wife, Asma, visited the St. Takla convent, eating with Christian orphans there.

The so-called rebels were not fighting against Bashar Al-Assad’s troops, but against desperate villagers attempting to protect their homes. The minorities were protected with Assad – today many of their lifes, families, homes, business’, valuables – killed, raped, ethnically cleansed, churches burned to the ground, and homes, business’, and valuables stolen by Obama’s “rebels”. It’s interesting that Obama changed the term from “terrorist” to “rebel” to describe his legions…

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