VIDEO – Giuliani rips de Blasio: This ‘would never, EVER have happened while I was mayor of NYC!’

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani slammed current Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Obama administration on Sunday, blaming them for creating an anti-police atmosphere.

“It’s a tragedy,” Giuliani said after the hosts of “Fox News Sunday” showed clips of Obama administration officials commenting on the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. “That is exactly the kind of misinformation, the kind of lying, that creates this atmosphere of anti-police hatred.”

Giuliani also scolded de Blasio for his handling of anti-police protests in his city.

“Police officers punched, police officers spat on,” he said “There was a tremendous amount of violence. Not just a little bit.

Video: New York City Police officers turn their backs on DeBlasio in disgust

“What you saw in New York City over the last couple of weeks would never, ever have happened while I was mayor of New York City,” he added. “They would not have been allowed to control the bridge. People don’t get to take a public bridge from the public. I don’t know if New York City officials realize if you close down streets in New York City, you’ll kill people.”

The former mayor scorned those who blame cops for killing black men, saying they should focus instead on the black-on-black crime responsible for the majority of black deaths.

“What has been allowed to go on farces the sense of anti-police hatred, and that’s 1 percent of the problem,” Giuliani said. “What about the 92 percent that is actually causing the death of most black men in this country? We can’t talk about that? You’re racist if you say that? Frankly, I think you’re racist if you don’t say that.”

Al Sharpton and the media are only perpetuating the problem, he said.

“In both of the cases, [Sharpton is] talking about crimes were being committed. Nobody ever writes that when they write it in The New York Times. They say ‘an unarmed man,’” Giuliani said. “The first unarmed man had just committed a robbery and punched a police officer in the face three times and fled the scene of a crime. The second unarmed man was committing albeit a minor crime, but he was resisting arrest.”

De Blasio, he said, has given protesters too much power.

“What I blame the mayor for is allowing these protests to get out of control,” Giuliani said. “You’ve got to give people a sense that there’s law, there’s order and that the police are in charge, they’re not in charge. The mayor has switched it.”

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I enjoy hearing people speak clearly and concisely – he utilizes a common sense approach which is becoming less common…

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